How to get your website online?

Step 1

Choose a name for your Website
Step 1

Step 2

Get Domain and Hosting

Once you find your site’s name, the next step is to get Domain & Hosting. The domain is the name of your site ( and hosting puts your website on the internet.

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Step 3

Upload your website files

1. Save and Zip

Make sure that you saved your home page as index.html and zip all your website files.


2. Open File Manager

To upload your files open file manager under Cpanel files section.


3. Select Directory

Select directory as Web Root(public_html/www) for your domain.


4. Upload Files

upload your website files under public_html folder.


5. Unzip Files

Select the uploaded zip file and then click extract


6. Visit and Enjoy

Enter your website address in the browser to see your Website Online.



You've Your Website Online!

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