7 Must-do things after launching your WordPress website
What's included
- Why add Site Title & Tagline on WordPress?
- Create readable and user-friendly permalinks.
- How to clean up and replace the default WordPress content
- A tool to monitor and drive traffic on your website
So, you have just launched your WordPress website. While you are happy that your website is live on the Internet, you should remember that launching the website is the very first step in the process. There are certain things you need to change right after launching the website, that make a lasting impression on your visitors.
You need to customize the website and make sure it meets your needs, be it for a personal blog or an online store. In other words, you need to replace the default WordPress content and build your website from scratch.
To help with the process, we give you the 7 most important things you should do right after you have launched your WordPress website.